By Loy A Webb
16th Street Theater
Berwyn, IL
Directed by: Wardell Julius Clark
Associate Director: Sydney Charles
Scenic: Sydney Lynne
Lights: David Goodman-Edberg
Props: Hillarie M. Shockley
Costumes: Jos N. Banks
Sound: Barry Bennett
Photos by Anthony Aicardi
"Plays about sports are notoriously difficult to stage— especially about football, an epic game that needs people, equipment and space... The space, intriguingly designed by Sydney Lynne, is like a football field in miniature: the result is pretty cool in that Clark and Lynne have come up with a visualization of how everything starts to close in on a character who wants most to run free, ideally into the end zone. Remarkably, you actually believe that football would be going on here if you peeled back all of these walls and screens…" —- Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune